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Yage - Colombia's Hallucinogenic Jungle Juice

Ayahuasca Colombia
4 minutes
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The indigenous in the area of Mocoa belong to the Pastos or Inga tribes and they have an ancient relationship with Yage or Ayahusca as its called in Peru.

Yage (pronounced yah-jay) is a vine that grows in these areas and when combined with two other local plants - chancruna and changropanga - produces a drink that causes hallucinations. The locals have used the plant for centuries to cure emotional disorders and for spiritual guidance.

The mother of the Taita who also runs the hostel Fin del Mondo near Macoa

To preparethis magical potion of jungle juice, the vine is hit with the business end of amachete a few hundred times to tenderize it and then boiled together with theother two plants. Only a qualified shaman knows how to correctly make thepotion and what's the proper dosage.

The Yage Vine

William Burroughs, author and one of the late beat writers, came to Mocoa, in the department of Putumayo, in 1953 in pursuit of Yage. He had heard about it being used by the indigenous at the headwaters of the Amazon.

In a seriesof letters from Colombia to Allen Ginsberg, Burroughs described the Yage drinkas mind altering, life changing and 'the most powerful drug he had everexperienced.'

The letters between Burroughs and Ginsberg were published as "The Yage Letters" in the mid-1950s. Burroughs said the world he experienced through the drug changed him and eventually influenced the 'cut-up' style he used in his works in the early 60s - most notably his book "The Naked Lunch".

What 'The Yage Letters' also did was help create a sort of drug tourism in the jungles of Colombia and Peru. People from around the world have been coming here for decades to find a shaman and experience the mind-altering effects of Yage.

There are a number of Yage shaman, locally called 'Taitas', in the region of Putamayo and around Fin del Mondo, a park of waterfalls in the jungle a short trip outside of Mocoa. In their native language El Taita means God, wise man and healer.

Carlos, a Taita and his wife harvesting the yage plant in the jungle of Mocoa

All the jungle hostels will casually make the introductions and the Taitas love to talk about Yage and its affects. Like wine salesmen they joyfully promote the plant and sell the experience. They make the Yage experience  seem natural and uncomplicated.  And for a price $15 - $50 per person they will supply the potion and guide people through the experience.

Full disclosure I didn't do Yage but I did talk to a Taita, Carlos, about the experience.

For a fewdays before the trip you have to cleanse and quiet your body - go on a fruitand vegetable diet and not have sex.

The Taitawill talk to the people who want to do Yage to assess their energy and todetermine if the person should partake and if the Taita wants to guide them.Apparently your true personality and all your demons reveal themselves inspades during this experience.

Basicallythe Taita does an interview to eliminate the psychopaths - which is more thanthey do in gun shops in the States.

Then at sunset everyone goes to a hut in the jungle where the Taita serves up the potion in a dried gourd bowl. Initially the potion causes motion sickness, nausea and diarrhea which is a ritual cleansing. The Yage experience is much more than a recreational drug.

"First the yage cleans the body, then it cleans the soul," Carlos told me. "Yage is not toxic," he said. "It will not hurt you. People are toxic and can hurt themselves."

The Taitaexplains to the people everything that is happening. He listens to the peopleduring their Yage experience. He is a translator of symbols, a guide andtherapist.

I got apretty good nose for hustlers and carneys but these guys seemed legit.

They are definitely respected in their tribes and also given tribal, political, judicial and counseling responsibilities. They are calm, verbal, philosophical types who take care of the people in their tribe.

A lot ofpeople in the tribe still do Yage on a regular basis. The Tiata I talked tosaid he does it every couple of weeks to keep sharp.

He doesn'tsmoke or drink and thinks marijuana and alcohol are mind numbing drugs andmushrooms are a simple low end hallucinogenic.

For me, travel and the jungle are already a drug  in themselves. But if you really want to go over the waterfall to see what's on the other side of the rainbow - there's a place and plants  for you in Mocoa.

Yage plant and hostel Fin del Mondo

Jon McInnes

Jon McInnes is a journalist who has been traveling to Colombia since 1972. He travels to Colombia and other parts of South America yearly and writes for newspapers, food, wine and travel publications. He currently lives between Colombia and Detroit. You can also follow him on facebook and contact him via email at:
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